Gateway Trust Counselling
offers a safe place in which people can seek personal change and the growth of inner peace, in order to move forward.
Contact us on 07849 047479
Gateway Trust Counselling is a project working under the umbrella charity The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust and as such we agree to adhere to Trust policies to be found below.
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone including all our clients, members, supporters, staff, volunteers and their families and households.
To support this commitment The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust will:-
● Promote a safe environment and culture
● Safely recruit and support all those with any responsibility related to children and adults at risk within The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust and its associated groups
• Gateway Trust Counselling
• Art4All
• Ribble Valley Foodbank and Olive Branch cafe
● Respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.
● Offer appropriate support to victims and survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
● Offer appropriate support to those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
● Respond to those that may pose a present risk to others.
● Refer safeguarding concerns, where appropriate, to statutory authorities
Recognising safeguarding and the need to protect
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust recognises that all children and adults are at risk of abuse or harm. We recognise that those who suffer or are at risk of suffering abuse or harm require protection from this and that they may require direct support from The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust in accessing such protection. The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust is committed to ensuring that our organisation, staff and volunteers are equipped to recognise safeguarding concerns and respond appropriately to them.
Commitment to safeguarding policies and practices
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust has produced this Safeguarding Policy which outlines our ethos and commitment towards safeguarding. This policy will be reviewed annually by the Trust’s safeguarding officer and trustees. The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust has also produced Safeguarding Procedures which detail the practices and procedures to be followed by The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust’s staff and volunteers in response to safeguarding concerns or incidents. The Safeguarding Procedures will be reviewed annually by the Trust’s safeguarding officer and trustees.
Commitment to safeguarding representation
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust has a nominated safeguarding officer who is responsible for coordinating the Trust’s safeguarding commitments. Contact details of the Trust’s safeguarding officer will be made available to all staff, volunteers, clients and members. The safeguarding officer will be contacted by any manager who has been alerted to safeguarding issues by staff or volunteers who have reported concerns. The safeguarding officer will ensure that safeguarding records are held and stored confidentially. The safeguarding officer will report on safeguarding issues to the trustees at their monthly/quarterly/annual meetings. The trustees have nominated a safeguarding support officer who should be contacted if there are concerns about the actions of the Trust’s safeguarding officer or if the safeguarding officer is not available.
Commitment to safeguarding training and development
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust provides basic training for all trustees, staff and volunteers. All existing staff and volunteers will complete this basic safeguarding training. Thereafter all new employees and volunteers will complete basic safeguarding training as part of their induction. The basic safeguarding training must be refreshed/repeated by all staff and volunteers at least every three years. The Trust will keep a record of which staff and volunteers have completed the basic safeguarding training and the dates that this was completed. The Trust’s safeguarding officer will complete enhanced safeguarding training and renew this every two years to ensure they are up to date with safeguarding developments.
Recording and record keeping
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust understands the importance of recording safeguarding incidents and concerns clearly and confidentially and this forms part of all staff and volunteers’ safeguarding training. The Trust will ensure that accurate records are kept of any safeguarding concerns raised and the actions taken. These will be stored confidentially with access only to the Trust’s safeguarding officer and other nominated person(s).
Safer Recruitment
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust has a commitment to ensuring that unsuitable applicants are deterred from applying for posts, whether paid or voluntary, within the Trust and its associated groups. The Trust operates a safer recruitment practice that includes monitoring of application forms, checking qualifications where appropriate, taking up references and requesting disclosures certificates at the correct level where needed.
Support for all clients, members and their families
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust is committed to providing appropriate support for all Trust clients, members and their families. Safeguarding training for all staff and volunteers, access to the Safeguarding Procedures and advice/support from the safeguarding officer ensures that the Trust’s staff and volunteers are equipped to do this. The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust understands the importance of people who have suffered abuse or are at risk of this receiving the best support and advice possible. The Trust recognises that there are a range of statutory and voluntary agencies who specialise in supporting people with different issues. The Trust aims to support people in accessing these services in order to meet their needs.
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust recognises its statutory safeguarding duties and the priority that must be given to safeguarding concerns. The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust will always seek to work with clients, members and their families sensitively and respectfully whilst ensuring that these statutory duties are met and that all adults and children who have suffered or are at risk of abuse are protected.
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust recognises that it has a duty to respond to people who may pose a risk to children and/or adults at risk. The Trust will always work professionally and sensitively with people who may pose a risk whilst ensuring that safeguarding policies and procedures are followed. The Trust will liaise and work with statutory authorities in addressing risks that are identified in these situations.
Summary of safeguarding actions
The Ribble Valley Gateway Trust will:-
• Appoint a safeguarding officer and deputy
• Ensure the contact details of the safeguarding officer and deputy are made available to all staff, volunteers and members.
• Ensure the safeguarding officer has completed enhanced safeguarding training
• Provide basic safeguarding training for all staff and volunteers
• Maintain accurate records of staff and volunteers
• Ensure records are maintained regarding the completion of safeguarding training
• Provide all staff and volunteers with the Trust’s safeguarding procedures
• Ensure a confidential safeguarding recording system is maintained